Scripture Reading

Matthew 18:20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

Insight on the Word

Not only can two bring judgment upon a man in a church court trial (Matthew 18:16-17), but two can come together to experience the presence of the Lord. Men can only be in one place at one time but not so with God (1 Kings 8:27). For God can be everywhere and in everyplace at the same time.

Three words come to mind when we think of God: omnipresence, omniscience, and omnipotence. Omnipotence has to do with the power of God. God is all powerful (Revelation 19:6). God can do all things consistent with His nature and plan. Omniscience has to do with all knowing. God knows all (Romans 11:33). God knows all things as far as His nature, plan, and work are concerned. Omnipresence has to do with God being everywhere present. God is everywhere (Psalms 139:7-12). While He is bodily in Heaven His Spirit is present everywhere.

When believers come together to worship the Lord, God is present in a very special way. God delights in His children coming together to worship and we should not forsake “the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is” (Hebrews 10:25). Each Lord’s day and every opportunity that is available, we should be found at the house of God. Attending church is a glad day (Psalms 122:1). It is wonderful to go to the house of the Lord with our brothers and sisters and fellowship in the unity of the Spirit (Psalms 133:1). Yes the coming together of the body is a great spiritual experience but even greater, is the fact that when we gather in the name of the Lord, Jesus Himself promises: “there am I in the midst of them.”

Speak the Word — I gather with other believers and Jesus is there! (Matthew 18:20)

Daily Bible Reading — Numbers 28 -:30